Since Covid 19 hit the world 18 months ago, due to lockdown orders, I haven’t been able to provide my clients with in- person sessions. I have, however been able to provide “distance” sessions for some of my clients who have reached out to me regarding distance sessions.
I am quite often asked “How can I possibly have the same experience and achieve the same results with distance sessions?” Since, this question comes up quite a bit; I had the same question when I started learning Reiki, I thought likely there are others wondering the same thing.
Everything is energy. The bed you sleep in, the car you drive and the food you eat are all different forms of energy. Energy is not limited to distance. Think of making a call with your cell phone or sending someone a texted message; the person you are calling or sending a message to, doesn’t need to be physically close to you for you to speak to them or for them to receive a text message. Cell phones work using electromagnetic radio waves to connect one cell phone to other cell phones.
Imagine having a coffee in Starbucks and you want to connect to the WiFi. It is very likely that you need a password in order to be granted access. If everything is energy and translation of Reiki is “universal life force”, a Reiki client and practitioner don’t need to be in close physical proximity to receive Reiki. Distance Reiki is having the password to a Reiki client’s energy (like WiFi) and connecting to it.
The Reiki session itself is the same as an in-person session. My personal preference is to set up a zoom call, although some practitioners don’t. This allows me to meet face to face with the client and check in with them prior to starting the session to see what they would like to work on. After the touching base, the client gets comfortable either sitting in a chair or laying down on a couch or bed, another where they won’t be disturbed. The Reiki session proceeds and a brief check-in is done at the end of the session; exactly the same as an in-person session.
If you would like more information or you would like to book a Distance Reiki session, I would love to connect with you.
With Reiki Blessings,
I recently had a distant Reiki session with Diana via Zoom. I was very impressed with her professionalism and how the session unfolded. Even though we weren’t together in person, the session was very powerful and even two days later, I’m still feeling the effects of the session, and today, I am more grounded and balanced as a result.
During the session, I experienced peacefulness and released a lot of sadness from the passing of my horse, Kali. I was also very blessed that during the session my Kali girl shared a beautiful memory of us together, one that I had forgotten. I also received a valuable message from her, which will help me move forward on my healing journey.
If you are considering a Reiki session with Diana, I highly recommend her as she is very gifted in helping people quiet their mind, which in turn will help you along with whatever is needed for your healing journey.
Monique MacMillan
Ontario, Canada